At least 20 ladies per month ask me about cellulite – mostly on the thighs or on the upper arms, and this is why so many beauty clinics are offering various remedies at various costs to suit everyone’s pocket. If you wish to enjoy wearing a two-piece, without worry, then it’s time to take care of the problem.
There is a number of ways to get rid of or reduce cellulite – Exercise, diet, cosmetic surgery, and creams that only work in your dreams.
In conjunction with a healthy diet made of fruits, veggies, lean meats and nuts, fast-paced resistance training exercise is the superb way to combat cellulite. It’s not to say that this type of exercise alone cannot fight the flab, but its wise to eat right.
Build muscle: don’t get worried – its not about getting six pack abs or making your biceps “pop” when you flex them. The fact is that for every single pound of muscle you possess, this translates into the burning of an extra 50 calories each and every single day.
Again, let me emphasis its not about creating huge muscles. Its simply about adding a few pounds of muscle by lifting weights in the gym a few times a week.
If you’re unsure what weights to lift or how to lift them, hire one of the trainers or take a bootcamp class-----either way you’ll get the cellulite off you’re a..!
Happy Mother’s Day