Monday, November 21, 2011

TIP OF THE WEEK Chicken Soup!

My mom always made me eat chicken soup when I was sick. Some say that the steam helps your breathing and clears up congestion. Others say that the spices that are often added to chicken soup, such as garlic and pepper (all ancient treatments for respiratory diseases), work the same way as modern cough medicines, thinning mucus and making breathing easier. So listen to what my mom said and eat some chicken soup if you’re sick! Here are some great recipes that will help you stick to your diet!


Jeramy Price

FIT TIP Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day,
    When eating all you want is ok.

A day to reflect on this year’s hard work,
Relax, feel content, eat it all and go berserk.

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy,
    Eat as if you are in boot camp for the United States Navy.

Give thanks for your skin, body, ears and eyes,
    Next week Better Bodies is going to burn your abs and thighs.

Everyone at Better Bodies and Me want you to have fun with your family and friends,
    Next week, we’ll help you make amends.

Happy Thanksgiving,
Jeramy Price

P.S- Don’t forget to drop off toys for Toys for tots, food for the food drive and bid on a trainer to benefit McDonalds House

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Tip of the Week - 11/13/11



Whether you have a sore shoulder or a torn rotator cuff, a stiff sore shoulder has the propensity to take on a life of its own. Your shoulder affects everything, from the way you sleep to the way you BLEEP.

            Peter, one of Ty’s (actually he watches his son get trained by Ty) clients has been complaining about his shoulder for YEARS. I tell him to go to the doctor, ice it, warm it up……being 71 and stubborn- he hasn’t listened and now can’t sleep at night (gravity pulls on the unsupported arm causing more pain and strain).
            The most important thing to do is NOT ignore the problem, hoping it will go away on it's own. It won't, I’ve dislocated both shoulders, torn both rotator cuffs, a bicep tendon, broken both clavicles, sternum, a scapula, sprained both ankles, broke my tibia, toes and fingers……..and know without a doubt letting injuries go is like thinking you can outmaneuver the IRS….Eventually Peter will land in surgery because the problem became too big to fix by simple rehab exercises. It's crucial that you follow the advice of an expert on rotator cuff rehabilitation. They will show you exactly what physical therapy exercises you should follow and what order to do these in. Below is an exercise I’ve been told to do by physical therapists on many occasions. It is a great way to activate the supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus and teres minor.

            The rotator cuff should be strengthened to rehabilitate shoulder injuries and prevent future shoulder problems. There are different exercises to target the individual rotator cuff muscles. One of the better exercises is the side-lying external rotation. Lie on a bench sideways, with the arm next to the side and flexed about 90 degrees at the elbow. Rotate the upper arm, raising the dumbbell towards the ceiling to a 45 degree angle. Keep the elbow flexed, and the upper arm close to the body. Pace at two seconds up and close to the body. Pace at two seconds up and four seconds down.
If you’re worried about a stiff sore shoulder, go to the doctor, spend $200.00 less hiring a fitness proctor. Once you’re shoulder feels better, get rid of your skin scales and hang-nails with 25% off facials and manicures.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fit Tip 10/21/2011 - Stress


The problems of stress levels in our society are well documented. In fact, I’ve read that stress is responsible for up to 80% of disease. There can hardly be anyone who does not identify with the feelings of being 'stressed out'. On a long-term basis it is understood that stress is not only cumulative, it is actually causing us serious physical damage. So how do we cope with it?

A healthy diet comprised of fruits, vegetables, meats and nuts coupled with 3 to 5 days of exercise will help overcompensate for many of the negative side effects of stress!

Regular Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It's increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations. Many studies have found massage helpful for Stress relief.

Reduce stress, re-align, reduce soreness, boost your immune system and reinforce your work out goals with one of our world class massage therapists……they’re the best in the business and are willing to prove it by giving you a free fifteen minute massage.

Try us absolutely free for fifteen minutes with no risk. With fifteen minutes of focused massage you’ll know just how good we are! Give us fifteen minutes and we will earn your business or we don't deserve to have you as a customer!!!

Tip of the Week - 10/15/2011

An extremely important part of your fitness program is being able to measure your progress. Body fat testing is not painful, nor is it expensive. Simply schedule an appointment with one of the trainers. It's also a good idea to take before and after photos and post them somewhere you'll see them every day.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fit Tip of Sept. 11th

RITA RANCH BOOT CAMP starts Monday Sept 12th - The Boot Camp classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., and the Yoga classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. The classes will be conducted at the grass area near the playground and adjacent to Little League field #2
POWER YOGA Private Training Intensive Starts Sept 27th  and runs through Nov 22nd.   In these semi-private classes everyone will receive the optimal personal attention necessary for rapid transformation. You can be sure to be guided into the correct alignment in every posture while at the same being pushed harder throughout the entire class. Reserve your Spot Now - Only 6 Students Per Class. Only $399 for the entire 8 weeks!
Offer Of The Week-
50% off your first massage at Me salon-Save $42.50-Offer Valid through October 1st

Fit Tip-
Rest and recovery is not the same as skipping a workout. Successful athletes and fitness enthusiasts on every level build this crucial component into their training programs.
Positive overloads cause the body to respond with increases in strength, cardiovascular capacity and flexibility. This positive overload, balanced with rest and recovery is the optimal training formula.
If you attempt maximum effort workouts every day, you risk overtraining. This can lead to staleness, exhaustion and injury. Rest and recovery, built into your workout program will keep your workouts productive and your body healthy. Here’s how to do it:
1. Use “active recovery” to maximize time and avoid over training. Active recovery or active rest is productive recuperation performed between exercises or even between workouts. For example, yoga between boot camp or personal training will allow you to rest those hard working muscles without requiring total inactivity. Cross-training with fun, lower intensity recreational activities between formal workout days will help you to recover, but still keep you active.
2. Vary the intensity of your workouts throughout the week. 
3. Vary the activities or exercises within your program. 
4. Take at least one actual day of rest each week. This is important for both mental and physical health. Massage is a proven method to unwind the mind and sooth the muscles.  We’ll even relax your wallet by giving you 50% off your first massage through October 1st. Purchase a massage package and I’ll buy you a facial with Mellissa!!!!
Rejuvenate Yourself,
Jeramy Price
P.S-Please go to Yelp and post comments about your experience at Better Bodies or Me salon and I’ll buy you a smoothie on your next visit! Become our friend on Facebook, send me a message and I’ll buy you a water!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fit Tip Sept 5th

We all have habits for how we work, how we eat, how we drive, how we do everything. What makes a habit good or bad is whether it moves us closer to or pushes us away from our goals. 

For those of us who have established years of un-healthy habits that push us away from our goals. Let me assure you I’ve personally had the privilege to witness new, healthy habits form in as little as 4-weeks. That’s right. Four-weeks. A few workouts a week is all it takes to get started. Add a little walking in between, get some nutritional guidance and in a few weeks your down 10 pounds, your blood pressure is a little lower and your not only looking and feeling a lot happier and healthier but you will have replaced bad habits with good habits.

It doesn’t  matter who you are or how old you are, you absolutely have the ability to be healthy. Quit making excuses, find some reasons (there are a lot of them) to become healthy and we’ll help you follow through.

Happy Labor Day,

Jeramy Price

P.S-Please go to Yelp and post comments about your experience at Better Bodies or Me salon and I’ll buy you a smoothie on your next visit! Become our friend on Facebook, send me a message and I’ll buy you a water!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fit Tip Aug 28th

RITA RANCH BOOT CAMP starts Monday Sept 12th - The Boot Camp classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m., and the Yoga classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. The classes will be conducted at the grass area near the playground and adjacent to Little League field #2.

POWER YOGA Private Training Intensive Starts Sept 27th  and runs through Nov 22nd.   In these semi-private classes everyone will receive the optimal personal attention necessary for rapid transformation. You can be sure to be guided into the correct alignment in every posture while at the same being pushed harder throughout the entire class. Reserve your Spot Now - Only 6 Students Per Class. Only $399 for the entire 8 weeks!

Fit Tip
One of our clients brought a bag of elk meet to the gym last night. My 3-year old son had no idea what an elk was, as a result I YouTubed (is that a word yet?) elk videos so he could see what he was eating... thinking he may actually eat his dinner for once.  The best videos were of bull elk protecting their harem. These bull elk are so attracted to their cows that they fight to the death to protect what is/was there’s. Whether it be humans or animals... the law of attraction is natural. It seems that having a sense of focus on something or someone is a daily occurrence for anything that lives and breathes. 

In our business, we want to attract adults who want to lose wt, get off the meds, increase their energy, learn how to exercise and eat right.  We are a results driven club. When people get results, there is nothing more “attractive” to us as trainers.

I absolutely believe that nothing could be more pathetic than owning a gym that doesn’t have the staffing necessary to deliver great results.

Like a pretty smile attracts a friendly response, “Better Bodies” will absolutely help you break through your plateau, set goals and create a plan. All you need to do is call us at 731-1668 so we can help.

See you in the gym,
Jeramy Price

P.S-Please go to Yelp and post comments about your experience at Better Bodies or Me salon and I’ll buy you a smoothie on your next visit! Become our friend on Facebook, send me a message and I’ll buy you a water!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fit Tip of the week, August 21st

 “Outside-In/Inside-Out Approach To Aging”

The old saying goes,” you can't always judge a book by its cover”, but when it comes to your health, what shows on the outside is a reflection of what’s on the inside. 
One of the many changes in our society in recent years is that we no longer accept the obvious signs of aging as unavoidable. Entire areas of scientific research are dedicated not only to preventing aging from an outside-in approach but from a wellness inside-out method.
Our outside-in approach promotes, anti-aging treatments, skin maintenance programs, treating dry, brittle, normal or damaged nails and hair color restoration. 
The wellness approach to anti-aging encourages us to devote time to ourselves, to eating healthful foods and to regular exercise. In years past, we considered these as luxuries; it is now apparent that achieving balance in these areas is a necessity for prevention of pre-mature aging caused by the various internal and external stressors experienced in today’s society. Our inside-out method includes massage, free nutritional consultations, one-on-one fitness instruction, group fitness, yoga, pilates and spin.
Rejuvenate yourself inside and out with a quick 30-minute workout, 60 minute massage, Me facial and shampoo blow dry for just $249. 

Take Care Of Yourself,
Jeramy Price
P.S-Please go to Yelp and post comments about your experience at Better Bodies or Me salon and I’ll buy you a smoothie on your next visit! Become our friend on Facebook, send me a message and I’ll buy you a water!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fit Tip Aug 14th

Most of you have told me that the battle with losing weight isn’t as easy as it once was. Then I tell you when to workout and what to eat.  Everyone….eventually loves working out but not everyone loves eating right. Today I would like to reach out to those of you who are having trouble motivating yourself to eat right by giving you my two most humbling ways to motivate yourself to eat right.

Make yourself wear spandex until you can “wear spandex”.
If you look terrible in it, you’ll pass on the morning doughnut ritual won’t you… you’ll save yourself some time getting changed to go to the gym after work.

Eat Naked

Eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner naked in front of a mirror. If you don’t like what you see you may make yourself sick…in which case, you won’t eat as much.

Still Not Motivated

Save 10% when you hire a trainer so you’re fit before the holidays……your in-laws don’t want to see you naked at Thanksgiving Dinner!

To see those who quit wearing spandex and eating naked, go to

See you in the gym,

 Jeramy Price

P.S-Please go to Yelp and post comments about your experience at Better Bodies or Me salon and I’ll buy you a smoothie on your next visit! Become our friend on Facebook, send me a message and I’ll buy you a water!
Announcements-The gym is closed Sunday, August 14th because we are sealing the floor the night before! The spa is still open.

Perform 20-minutes of cardio 4-nights per week between the hours of 4p and close….. I’ll give you a $10 in BB Bucks if you keep it up for 4-weeks!


“Offers Of The Week”

Me Salon

Free haircut with purchase of color-new hair clients only. Please mention offer when booking

Better Bodies

10% off 36 ½ hour training sessions

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Growing up in my home, both my Dad and I were (unfortunately, I still am) quite impatient in almost all things. We wanted it “now.” We never wanted to wait on anything. 

It takes time for good things to happen. The things we do in our lives that usually have great lasting results are those that are formed with thought. And, let’s face it, a whole lot of “tweaking” and interaction will be involved as well. 

Most people never wait on anything. In the event of a hunger pain, we have fast food; getting fat because of fast food, we have HCG or Surgery; feeling depressed because you eat like crap and are overweight, take Zoloft; anxious because you’re stuck in line at McDonalds, try Buspar; Can’t sleep because you drink 6 espresso shots every day to offset Zoloft and Buspar, pop an Ambien; Money problems because your too stoned to work, get a car title loan.

Whether you want to lose 100 pounds or save 100 million dollars, you need to realize there is no magic pill and no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow……so get focused, work hard and be patient!

For those of you trying to lose 100 pounds or more……..remember all you need to do is:
A)    Exercise HARD 3 to 5 times per week
B)    Eat vegetables, fruits, meats and nuts
C)    Focus on your goal
D)    Know that some weeks are better wt. loss weeks than others
E)     Be patient

There’s an Old English proverb that says, “All good things come to those who wait.” This reference is speaking to us on being faithful. Obviously, it’s speaking about patience and why we need to wait but expect great things.

To lose 100 pounds, stay faithful to your expectations and above all else, remember to stay patient.
See you in the gym,

Jeramy Price

P.S-The combination of eating the right foods and training with Amy has enabled Monica to lose 65 pounds in 4-months